Graph theory has many practical applications in various disciplines including, to name a few, biology, computer science, economics, engineering, informatics,linguistics, mathematics, medicine, and social science, graphs are excellent modelling tools, etc.
Now the question arises that What is a Graph ? right…
A linear graph (or simply a graph) G = (V,E) consists of a set of objects V = {v1, v2,…..} called vertices, and another set E = {e1, e2,…..} whose elements are called edges, such that each edge ek is identified with an unordered pair (vi , vj) of vertices. So graph theory is simply a overall picture of graphs and it’s application.
So, Start learning such awesome in handwritten notes specially designed for the students under teacher’s surveillance. These notes are handwritten Notes of the Computer Subject “Graph Theory” in Pdf format.These notes enables students to understand every concept of the the term “Graph Theory”. Graph Theory Notes can be easily download from EduTechLearners without signup or login.
Unit wise notes consists of following topics:-
Unit 1 – Introduction
Unit 2 – Planar Graphs
Unit 3 – trees
Unit 4 – Optimization and Matching
Unit 5 – Fundamental Principles of Counting
Unit 6 – The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion
Unit 7 – Generating Functions
Unit 8 – Recurrence Relations
For more clarification on the graph Theory please refer the below book which explains all the concepts of Graph Theory in full details.
Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering By NARSINGH DEO
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