Now, download all the Lecture Notes easily without any registration or login. Here is the complete list of all the Lecture Notes of all the subjects in pdf Formats. Download Now Hurry Up.
Advance DataBase Management System Notes
Computer Architecture and Organization (CAO) Notes
Computer Hardware Design Notes
Cryptography And Network Security Notes
Data Warehouse and Data Mining Notes
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA) Notes
Distributed Database Systems Notes
Elements of Electronics Engineering (EEE) Notes
Electronics Engineering Notes PDF
Engineering Mathematics -2 Notes
Interactive Computer Graphics (ICG) Notes
Introduction to Programming in ‘C’ Language Notes
Network Management and Security Notes
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Notes
Object-Oriented Software Engineering Notes
Object-Oriented Programming Notes
Passive Optical Network (PON) Topology Notes
SMCS (Statistical Models for Computer Science) Notes
Transducers And Their Applications Notes
Java Programming Hand Written Notes
Introduction To Java Programming (Part-1) Notes
Introduction To Java Programming (Part-2) Notes
Introduction To Java Programming (Part-3) Notes
Introduction To Java Programming (Part-4) Notes
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Where is the notes of SPM(Software Project Management)
Actually the book of SPM has been uploaded….
Software Project Management- by Walker Royce
please upload notes of programming languages and distributed operating system
Plz uplpoad notes of distributed operating system…..
please upload notes of artificial intelligence
i want parallel computing notes
urgent need of SVVT(software validation and verification testing) notes
Urgent need for notes of Simulation and Modelling(Deptt. Elective – V). Final exam is after 2-3 days.
where is the notes of digital electronics
please give graph theory and combination note as soon possible ( 6th sem)
Urgent need graph theory notes .My final exam within 2 days.(B.TECH CSE).
please please help me
i want database notes
Please upload notes of ITC (information theory and coding)
Where can i find notes for analog communications amd design and analysis of algorithm
Notes for artificial intelligence??
sir please provide the advance java notes and android
hey admin ,can you please upload the notes of ‘software project management’ . Thank you
Please refer the below link to download the Software Project management book which covers whole syllabus.
Software Project Management- by Walker Royce
please help i want analog communication notes and book
Please follow the below link for Analog Communication Book:
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems by B.P.Lathi
Please upload electrical technology notes and book
plz update notes of software project management
Please upload the notes of ‘simulation and modelling’ . Thank you
plse upload the hand written notes of security and cryptography
and spm -software project management
sir plz upload the old syllabus daa notes for reappear students…..exam is on 5 th dec
For DAA you can refer this book: Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen
electrical technology notes
Hello Sir Thanks for all this ..
i request for Computer education PGDCA..
Notes of mobile app development and software testing and parallel computing
hey admin, can you please provide notes for Electrical technology.
sir chemistry notes for Btech csc