How to import an existing Java Project in Eclipse?

Sometimes we download Java projects from any of the website or from internet but we are unable to run that project in our system. So, here is the solution of importing the Java projects in Eclipse. As Eclipse User Interface (used for Java Coding) is little bit confusing. Generally we perform a mistake by importing the project directly in Eclipse but “The import-> Existing Projects into workspace” generally means “import Existing Eclipse Projects into workspace”. So when we browse for […]

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Library Management in C with Source Code

Library Management in C with Source Code is a mini project which is implemented in “C” Language. This project includes a lot of modules as add new book ,update copies, modify, deletion, book found, book name found, record no, author name, book price, etc. This library management mini project can be implemented in real life because it covers almost all the cases which occurs in any Library. This project source code can be used for BE,, MCA, BCA ,Engineering,IT, Software engineering final year students can submits source code in college. […]

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Online Camera Club in with Source code & Project Report

Online Camera Club in with Source code & Project Report: This is an e-commerce site which deals with the selling of all the varieties of Camera and their accessories. The main point regarding this project is that the user can see the products but to buy the product they must be a registered user. All the users will be first considered as anonymous user later if he needs any service then he will be treated as registered user.This project source […]

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Java Project in “Java Programming Online Test”

Free Download Java Project in “Java Programming Online Test” with source code and project report. Synopsis of  Java Programming Online Test is available in project report. This source code can be run simply by running .bat file available inside the project. There is no any requirement of any Java development program. Java Programming Online Test only needs only JDK (JDK must be installed on your PC to run this project.).This project source code can be used for BE,, MCA, BCA ,Engineering,IT, […]

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