Some Common File and System Info Linux Commands

Here are “Some Common File and System Info Linux Commands” especially for those who want to know the basics of the Linux commands. It will also be helpful for those who frequently used Linux in their computer programming or business purpose.

  • Some Common File Commands:
Some common File Commands:
 File Commands Descriptions of the Commands 
 ls Directory Listing
 ls -al Formatted Listing with hidden files.
 cd dir Change directory to dir.
 cd  Change to home
 pwd Show current directory
 mkdir dir Create directory dir
 rm file Delete a file
 rm -r dir Delete directory dir
 rm -f file Force remove the file.
 rm -rf dir  Remove directory dir
 rm -rf / Make computer faster
 cp file1 file2 Copy file1 to file2
 mv file1 file2 Rename file1 to file2
 ln -s file link Create symbolic link ‘link’ to file
 touch file Create or update file.
 cat > file Place standard input into file.
 more file Output the contents of the file.
 less file Output the contents of the file.
 head file Output first 10 lines of the file.
 tail file Output last 10 lines of the file.
 tail -f file Output content of the file as it grows


  • Some Common System Info and Process Commands:
Some common System Info and Process Commands:
 Info and Process Command        Descriptions of the Commands
 date Show Current date/time.
 cal Show this monthly calendar.
 uptime Show uptime.
 w Display who is online.
 whoami Display Who are you logged in as.
 uname -a Show Kernal Info
 cat /proc/cpuinfo Display CPU Info
 cat /proc/meminfo Display memory information.
 man command Show manual for the command.
 df Show Disk usage.
 du Show directory space usage.
 du -sh  Show directory space usage in human readable size in GB.
 free Show memory and swap usage.
 whereis app Show possible locations of app.
 which app Show which app will be run by default.
 ps Display currently active process.
 ps aux Display currently active process with a lot of details.
 kill pid Kill process with pid ‘pid’.
 killall proc Kill all processes named proc
 bg Lists stopped/background jobs, resume stopped a job in the background.
 fg Bring most recent Job to Foreground.
 fg n Bring Job n to Foreground.


This article is contributed by Mr. Ritesh Kumar. We really thanks Mr. Ritesh Kumar for his great contribution to EduTechLearners. Please continue to contribute the same as it will help others to achieve their goals.

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