Online Camera Club in with Source code & Project Report: This is an e-commerce site which deals with the selling of all the varieties of Camera and their accessories. The main point regarding this project is that the user can see the products but to buy the product they must be a registered user. All the users will be first considered as anonymous user later if he needs any service then he will be treated as registered user.This project source code can be used for BE,, MCA, BCA ,Engineering,IT, Software engineering final year students can submits source code in college.
- Project Title: Online Camera Club
- Front-end: ASP.NET
- Back-end: SQL database
- Software required:- Microsoft Visual Studio (Any version).
- Sign Up & Login System to register new user.
- Search for items (Cameras or their accessories)
- Separate Admin Control to add the New product.
- User Control to buy camera , their accessories, compare two different cameras, view cart, etc.
hello friend of edutechlearners I have a question about the CameraClub project why in the project report in the page 25 in the section “implementation tools” appears the paragraphs ” The project was implemented using Java server pages, HTML, Javabeans.The implementation work was carried out in Windows XP/2000 server platform.
1) Visual Studio 2010
2) IIS Server
3) Ms SQL Server 2005
” what are the tools “java server pages,html, java beans or Visual studio 2010,IIS Server and MsSQL SERVER 2005”
Thanks for pointing out the mistake. The project report file has been updated. The tools used are:
1) Visual Studio 2010
2) IIS Server, and
3) Ms SQL Server 2005.
i have downloaded the project but i dont know how do run i am using vs 2019 which file to select