Mobile Computing Lab Manual along with outputs and coding is available here for free download without any login. Download it easily in small size. This File covers all the practicals according to the prescribed syllabus. The File also contains Index of the above Practicals with their complete Outputs.
This Practical File Consist of the below Practicals-:
1. Design a prototype that implements the Cache management for a mobile computing environment.
2. Design a system : The challenges of developing high performance, high reliability and high quality software systems are too much for ad-hoc and informal engineering techniques that might have worked in the past on less demanding systems. New techniques for managing these growing complexities are required to meet today’s time to market , productivity and quality demands.
3. To study a peer to peer decentralized network system and resource management with in that system.
4. Write a program that implements a few sorting algorithms (bubble, selection etc)for n data. It stops the operation when the counter for sorting index is at 100,1000,10000 and so on, stores the contents of the registers, program counter and partially sorted list of data etc. It resumes the operation after 30 seconds from the point of termination.
5. Write a program that implements the Quick sort and Selection sort for n data. Its stops the operation when the counter for sorting index is at 100, 1000, 10000 and so on, stores the contents of the registers, program counter and partially sorted list of data etc. It transfer the code and data across the network on the new destination and resumes the operation from the point of termination on the previous node. Finally the result from the last node is send back to the process initiator node.
6. Study of Cellular Architecture.
7. Develop a prototype that performs parallel computation of the same task on different node. Finally process initiator receives the result and computation time required to complete the task on the node and displays to the user.
The complete File can be downloaded in Zip Format. Here we have tried our best to complete all the Practicals Although, anyone who wants to edit their File can download the Zip file which contains the File in .doc Format and then edit their Practicals according to their requirement.
Note:-Download the Zip File & use any Unzipper to Open it.