Get the PowerPoint Presentation on “Hawk-Eye Technology PowerPoint Presentation” by just one single click. Free Download the presentation without any login. You can download the PPT as well as read on the internet. The main aim of this presentation is to focus the following points:
- What is Hawk-Eye?
- History of Hawk-Eye
- Basic Components of Hawk-Eye
- Tracking System
- Hawk-Eye Camera
- Speed Gun
- Steps of working of Hawk-Eye
- Principle of Hawk-Eye
- Applications of Hawk-Eye technology.
Hawk-Eye is a complex computer system used officially in numerous sports such as cricket, tennis, Gaelic football, badminton, hurling, and association football, to visually track the trajectory of the ball and display a record of its statistically most likely path as a moving image.
Download Hawk-Eye Technology PPT
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This article is contributed by Akash Agarwal. We really thanks Mr. Akash Agarwal for his continuous contribution to EduTechLearners.