Get the Complete Computer Hardware & Technology Lab Manual i.e. CHT. This File covers all the practicals according to the prescribed syllabus.The File also contains Index of the above Practicals. The file is specially designed by our team of teachers.
The complete File can be downloaded in Zip Format. Here we have tried our best to complete all the Practicals Although, anyone who wants to edit their File can download the Zip file which contains the File in .doc Format and then edit their Practicals according to their requirement.
The index of the above Practical file consists of Following Practicals:-
- To study motherboard.
- Study of microprocessor.
- To study SMPS and UPS.
- To study the CD-ROM and DVD-ROM.
- To study working of keyboard and mouse.
- To study different ports and slots.
- To study various types of Cables & Connectors.
- Study of monitor.
- To study different types of printers.
- To assemble a PC.
- To study Floppy Disk Drive.
*For More Practicals other than the above mentioned,Comment the Aim of the Practical.We will provide you the same as soon as possible.