Get the PowerPoint Presentation on “4G and 5G Technology” by just one single click. Free Download 4G and 5G Technology Seminar PPT without any login. You can download it from the below link. The main aim of this presentation is focus the following points:
- What is 1G technology
- What is 2G technology ?
- What is 3G technology ?
- Why 3G is faster than 2G ?
- Introduction to 4G Technology.
- Technologies used in 4G.
- Introduction to 5G Technology.
- Applications of 4G and 5G technology
Let us know something about this latest Technology. We are getting daily a new advertisement on internet, television that 4G is much faster than 3G, etc. So, we all should why it is so ?
So the answer to the above question can be explained as :
4G technology uses more bandwidth than 3G technology. It has more data rate as data rate can be calculated by multiplying the spectral efficiency and available bandwidth. 4G Technology has some more features as :
- High speed data access.
- High capacity streaming video.
- MAGIC word is used to describe 4G technology.i.e.
M- Mobile Multimedia
A- Anytime Anywhere
G- Global Mobility support
I- Integreted wireless Support
C- Customized Personal Services.
To know about the above technology just go through the PowerPoint Presentation. So we are sharing the PPT of the same Technology, just download it and enjoy.
4G and 5G Technology Seminar PPT Download
This article is contributed by Akash Agarwal.
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